p-9, r. 2 - Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national d’Anticosti

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À jour au 1er mai 2024
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter P-9, r. 2
Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national d’Anticosti
Parks Act
(chapter P-9, s. 2).
1. The territory described in the Schedule constitutes Parc national d’Anticosti.
O.C. 320-2001, s. 1.
2. The park is classified as a national park.
O.C. 320-2001, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 320-2001, s. 3.
(s. 1)
In this technical description, it is understood that when following a watercourse or skirting a lake, it is always done, unless indicated otherwise, along the outer limit of the shore, that is, the normal high-water mark.
The coordinates given are in reference to the Québec coordinates system, the SCOPQ, Zone 4 of the Modified Transverse Mercator projection (MTM), unless otherwise indicated.
Minute 35
A territory located on Île d’Anticosti, in an undivided part in the original survey, in Municipalité régionale de comté de Minganie, covering a total area of 571.8 km2 the perimeters of which may be described as follows:
First perimeter
Starting from Point 1, located at the intersection of a line parallel to and 1,000 m southwest of the ordinary high-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier) with the right bank of an unnamed river, the point whose approximate coordinates are 5,496,261 m N and 226,043 m E;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, along a broken line, whose apex coordinates are:
(2) 5,495,934 m N and 226,537 m E,
(3) 5,495,945 m N and 227,125 m E,
(4) 5,496,201 m N and 227,503 m E,
(5) 5,494,974 m N and 228,297 m E,
(6) 5,494,585 m N and 228,883 m E,
(7) 5,494,379 m N and 230,543 m E,
(8) 5,493,228 m N and 230,949 m E,
(9) 5,492,634 m N and 231,769 m E,
(10) 5,492,322 m N and 232,867 m E,
(11) 5,491,140 m N and 233,208 m E,
(12) 5,490,568 m N and 233,704 m E,
(13) 5,490,195 m N and 234,565 m E,
(14) 5,489,211 m N and 234,110 m E,
(15) 5,488,078 m N and 234,466 m E,
(16) 5,486,988 m N and 235,554 m E,
(17) 5,485,760 m N and 236,018 m E,
(18) 5,485,134 m N and 236,888 m E,
that broken line approximately represents a littoral strip 1,000 m southwest of the ordinary high-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier);
Thence, easterly, along a straight line to Point 19, located at the intersection of the ordinary high-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier) with the left bank of Rivière Natiscotec, the point whose approximate coordinates are 5,485,246 m N and 238,051 m E;
Thence, easterly, along the extension of the preceding line to its intersection with a line parallel to and 500 m northeast of the ordinary high-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier), the point whose coordinates are:
(20) 5,485,298 m N and 238,596 m E;
Thence, in a general northwesterly direction, along a line parallel to and 500 m northeast of the ordinary high-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier) to Point 21, whose coordinates are 5,499,157 m N and 223,315 m E;
Thence, southerly, along a straight line to Point 22, located at the intersection of the southeasterly extension of the northeastern limit of the right-of-way of a road leading to Anse des Acadiens with the southern limit of the right-of-way of a road leading to Baie Maujerol and whose approximate coordinates are 5,497,903 m N and 223,305 m E;
Thence, in general southwesterly then westerly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the road leading to Baie Maujerol, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way of Route Henri-Menier (commonly called Transanticostienne), the point whose approximate coordinates are:
(23) 5,496,418 m N and 219,157 m E;
Thence, in a general southerly direction, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said route, so as to exclude it, to Point 24, whose coordinates are 5,489,714 m N and 219,789 m E;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along a broken line, approximately representing a part of the southern limit of the drainage basin of Rivière Vauréal, whose apex coordinates are:
(25) 5,490,155 m N and 220,149 m E,
(26) 5,489,970 m N and 220,633 m E,
(27) 5,490,627 m N and 220,985 m E,
(28) 5,491,041 m N and 221,821 m E,
(29) 5,491,545 m N and 222,120 m E,
(30) 5,492,143 m N and 222,221 m E,
(31) 5,492,561 m N and 222,843 m E,
(32) 5,492,860 m N and 222,857 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, along a straight line to Point 33, located on the right bank of an intermittent brook and whose coordinates are 5,493,473 m N and 223,388 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly then northerly directions, along the bank of the said intermittent brook then the right bank of a river, so as to include them, to the starting point.
Area: 71.7 km2
Second perimeter
Starting from Point 34, located on the easternmost point of the shore of Lac Létourneau and whose approximate coordinates are 5,482,542 m N and 203,807 m E;
Thence, in general northwesterly then southwesterly directions, along the shore of the said lake, so as to include it, to the right bank of a tributary, the point whose approximate coordinates are:
(35) 5,483,565 m N and 201,640 m E;
Thence, northerly, along a straight line to Point 36, located on the south shore of Lac Godin and whose coordinates are 5,484,037 m N and 201,604 m E;
Thence, in general northerly then southwesterly directions, along the shore of the said lake, so as to include it, to Point 37, located on the westernmost point of the shore of the said lake and whose approximate coordinates are 5,484,488 m N and 200,679 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along a straight line to Point 38, located on the southeast shore of Lac Simard, point whose coordinates are 5,484,931 m N and 200,126 m E;
Thence, in general northerly, westerly then southerly directions, along the shore of the said lake, so as to include it, to the right bank of its effluent;
Thence, in general westerly then southerly directions, along the bank of the said effluent, so as to include it, to the right bank of Rivière Jupiter;
Thence, in general westerly then southwesterly directions, along the bank of the said river, skirting the lakes found, so as to include them, to Point 39, whose coordinates are 5,484,598 m N and 412,830 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, southwesterly, along a straight line, so as to cross Rivière Jupiter, to Point 40, located at the intersection of Rivière Jupiter and an unnamed river and whose coordinates are 5,484,553 m N and 412,806 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, in a general southerly direction, along the left bank of the unnamed river, so as to include it, passing by points 41 and 42, whose approximate coordinates are:
(41) 5,481,740 m N and 196,278 m E (Zone 4),
(42) 5,478,202 m N and 413,475 m E (Zone 5),
to Point 43, located on the left bank of an intermittent brook and whose approximate coordinates are 5,476,942 m N and 413,344 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, in a general westerly direction, along the bank of the said intermittent brook, so as to include it, to Point 44, whose coordinates are 5,476,785 m N and 412,657 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, northwesterly, along a straight line to Point 45, located on the northeastern limit of the right-of-way of a road and whose coordinates are 5,477,007 m N and 411,758 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, in general southeasterly, easterly and southeasterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(46) 5,472,229 m N and 200,656 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly then southeasterly directions, along the northern limit of the right-of-way of the said forest road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northwesterly extension of the eastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(47) 5,472,263 m N and 201,435 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, along the said extension and the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 48, whose coordinates are 5,472,210 m N and 201,456 m E;
Thence, in a general easterly direction, along a broken line, approximately representing a part of the southern limits of the drainage basins of Rivière Vauréal and Rivière aux Saumons, whose apex coordinates are:
(49) 5,472,447 m N and 201,759 m E,
(50) 5,472,509 m N and 202,026 m E,
(51) 5,472,021 m N and 202,804 m E,
(52) 5,471,614 m N and 203,108 m E,
(53) 5,471,624 m N and 203,586 m E,
(54) 5,471,351 m N and 204,078 m E,
(55) 5,471,515 m N and 204,335 m E,
(56) 5,471,616 m N and 204,880 m E,
(57) 5,471,698 m N and 205,076 m E,
(58) 5,471,988 m N and 205,086 m E,
(59) 5,471,917 m N and 205,245 m E,
(60) 5,472,499 m N and 206,261 m E,
(61) 5,472,299 m N and 206,523 m E,
(62) 5,471,931 m N and 206,535 m E,
(63) 5,471,578 m N and 206,675 m E,
(64) 5,471,337 m N and 207,016 m E,
(65) 5,471,341 m N and 207,263 m E,
(66) 5,471,721 m N and 207,557 m E,
(67) 5,472,655 m N and 208,341 m E,
(68) 5,473,084 m N and 209,616 m E,
(69) 5,472,454 m N and 209,449 m E,
(70) 5,472,273 m N and 209,526 m E,
(71) 5,471,824 m N and 210,278 m E,
(72) 5,471,970 m N and 210,451 m E;
Thence, easterly, along a straight line to Point 73, located on the northern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose coordinates are 5,471,982 m N and 210,503 m E;
Thence, in a general easterly direction, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road and its southeasterly extension, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southern limit of the right-of-way of a road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(74) 5,471,822 m N and 211,181 m E;
Thence, in general southwesterly, southeasterly then westerly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 75, whose coordinates are 5,471,367 m N and 210,988 m E;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, along a broken line, approximately representing a part of the southern limit of the drainage basin of Rivière aux Saumons, whose apex coordinates are:
(76) 5,471,205 m N and 211,165 m E,
(77) 5,470,953 m N and 211,827 m E,
(78) 5,471,132 m N and 212,674 m E,
(79) 5,471,405 m N and 212,997 m E,
(80) 5,471,529 m N and 214,153 m E,
(81) 5,471,408 m N and 214,431 m E,
(82) 5,470,594 m N and 215,184 m E,
(83) 5,469,881 m N and 216,305 m E,
(84) 5,469,502 m N and 217,479 m E,
(85) 5,469,610 m N and 218,482 m E,
(86) 5,469,454 m N and 218,763 m E,
the latter point is located on the right bank of a brook;
Thence, northeasterly, along a straight line skirting the lake to the south, so as to include it, to Point 87, located on the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose coordinates are 5,469,762 m N and 219,035 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the western limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(88) 5,470,154 m N and 219,958 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road and its northwesterly extension, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(89) 5,471,427 m N and 219,523 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly then easterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(90) 5,473,486 m N and 226,192 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 91, whose coordinates are 5,474,558 m N and 225,151 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, northwesterly then southwesterly, along a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
(92) 5,474,640 m N and 225,237 m E,
(93) 5,474,802 m N and 225,084 m E,
(94) 5,474,720 m N and 224,996 m E,
the latter point is located on the southwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road;
Thence, in general northwesterly then easterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 95, whose coordinates are 5,477,335 m N and 222,931 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, along the northwesterly extension of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to cross Rivière aux Saumons, to its meeting point with the left bank of the said river and whose coordinates are:
(96) 5,477,383 m N and 223,005 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along the bank of the said river, so as to include it, to the left bank of a tributary, the point whose approximative coordinates are:
(97) 5,480,572 m N and 218,099 m E;
Thence, in general westerly then northerly directions, along the bank of the said tributary, so as to include it, to Point 98, whose coordinates are 5,481,328 m N and 217,917 m E;
Thence, in general northerly, westerly then southerly directions, along a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
(99) 5,481,571 m N and 217,873 m E,
(100) 5,481,451 m N and 217,360 m E,
(101) 5,481,190 m N and 217,326 m E,
the latter point is located on the left bank of a river;
Thence, in a general northwesterly direction, along the bank of the said river, skirting the two lakes to the north, so as to include them, to the left bank of a river, the point whose approximate coordinates are:
(102) 5,482,221 m N and 213,051 m E;
Thence, northerly, along the bank of the said river, skirting the lake to the east, so as to include it, to Point 103, whose coordinates are 5,483,105 m N and 213,166 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, along a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
(104) 5,483,780 m N and 213,451 m E,
(105) 5,484,107 m N and 213,896 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly, northwesterly then northeasterly directions, along a broken line, approximately representing a part of the southeastern limit of the drainage basin of Rivière Vauréal, whose apex coordinates are:
(106) 5,484,393 m N and 214,008 m E,
(107) 5,484,737 m N and 213,703 m E,
(108) 5,484,928 m N and 213,214 m E,
(109) 5,486,145 m N and 213,639 m E,
(110) 5,485,948 m N and 214,527 m E,
(111) 5,486,592 m N and 215,819 m E,
(112) 5,487,170 m N and 216,273 m E,
(113) 5,487,283 m N and 216,748 m E,
(114) 5,487,953 m N and 217,261 m E,
(115) 5,487,906 m N and 217,879 m E,
(116) 5,488,169 m N and 218,276 m E,
(117) 5,488,767 m N and 218,325 m E,
(118) 5,489,359 m N and 218,683 m E,
(119) 5,489,705 m N and 219,767 m E,
the latter point is located at the intersection of the southern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road with the western limit of the right-of-way of Route Henri-Menier (commonly called Transanticostienne);
Thence, in general northwesterly, northeasterly, northerly then southwesterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of Route Henri-Menier, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the left bank of Ruisseau Gaudry and whose approximate coordinates are:
(120) 5,496,266 m N and 218,661 m E;
Thence, in a general southwesterly direction, along the bank of the said brook and the northern shore of Étang de la Chute, so as to include them, to Point 121, whose coordinates are 5,491,707 m N and 216,292 m E;
Thence, southwesterly, along a straight line to Point 122, located on the southeastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose coordinates are 5,491,633 m N and 216,080 m E;
Thence, southwesterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northeastern limit of the right-of-way of a road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(123) 5,491,573 m N and 216,017 m E;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(124) 5,490,709 m N and 217,282 m E;
Thence, southwesterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to include it, to Point 125, whose coordinates are 5,490,110 m N and 216,838 m E;
Thence, in general southwesterly then northwesterly directions, along a broken line, approximately representing a part of the southern limit of the drainage basin of Ruisseau Gaudry, whose apex coordinates are:
(126) 5,489,812 m N and 216,398 m E,
(127) 5,489,353 m N and 215,105 m E,
(128) 5,488,756 m N and 214,267 m E,
(129) 5,488,713 m N and 213,714 m E,
(130) 5,489,205 m N and 212,998 m E,
(131) 5,489,721 m N and 211,242 m E,
the latter point is located on the western limit of the right-of-way of a road;
Thence, in general northerly then northeasterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(132) 5,491,087 m N and 212,933 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 133, whose coordinates are 5,491,876 m N and 212,563 m E;
Thence, in general westerly, southwesterly then westerly directions, along a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
(134) 5,491,854 m N and 212,051 m E,
(135) 5,491,706 m N and 211,932 m E,
(136) 5,491,716 m N and 211,286 m E,
the latter point is located on the right bank of a tributary of Lac Belnap;
Thence, in general westerly, northwesterly then southwesterly directions, along the bank of the said tributary and the north shore of Lac Belnap, so as to include them, to the left bank of a tributary, the point whose approximate coordinates are:
(137) 5,492,021 m N and 209,829 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along the bank of the said tributary skirting the lake met, so as to include it, to Point 138, whose coordinates are 5,492,219 m N and 209,775 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along a straight line to Point 139, located on the eastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road skirting Étang Albert, the point whose coordinates are 5,493,386 m N and 207,478 m E;
Thence, in general southerly, westerly then southeasterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the easterly extension of the southern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(140) 5,491,450 m N and 206,977 m E;
Thence, in general northwesterly then westerly directions, along the said extension and the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way of a road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(141) 5,492,361 m N and 202,771 m E;
Thence, southerly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 142, whose coordinates are 5,492,042 m N and 202,788 m E;
Thence, in general westerly, northwesterly then southeasterly directions, along a broken line, approximately representing a part of the northwestern limit of the drainage basin of Rivière Vauréal, whose apex coordinates are:
(143) 5,491,463 m N and 200,789 m E,
(144) 5,491,533 m N and 199,871 m E,
(145) 5,491,337 m N and 199,245 m E,
(146) 5,491,770 m N and 198,574 m E,
(147) 5,492,763 m N and 197,664 m E,
(148) 5,493,008 m N and 197,172 m E,
(149) 5,492,924 m N and 197,075 m E,
(150) 5,492,567 m N and 197,092 m E,
(151) 5,490,609 m N and 197,873 m E,
(152) 5,490,454 m N and 198,134 m E,
the latter point is located on the northern limit of the right-of-way of a road;
Thence, easterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 153, whose coordinates are 5,490,527 m N and 198,405 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly, southeasterly, easterly, southerly, southeasterly then southwesterly directions, along a broken line approximately representing a part of the western limit of the drainage basin of Rivière Vauréal, whose apex coordinates are:
(154) 5,490,686 m N and 198,507 m E,
(155) 5,490,749 m N and 198,797 m E,
(156) 5,490,595 m N and 198,984 m E,
(157) 5,490,227 m N and 199,043 m E,
(158) 5,490,036 m N and 199,305 m E,
(159) 5,490,204 m N and 199,498 m E,
(160) 5,490,183 m N and 199,961 m E,
(161) 5,489,826 m N and 200,274 m E,
(162) 5,489,268 m N and 200,241 m E,
(163) 5,488,744 m N and 199,951 m E,
(164) 5,488,476 m N and 199,931 m E,
(165) 5,488,078 m N and 200,316 m E,
(166) 5,487,975 m N and 200,741 m E,
(167) 5,486,592 m N and 201,728 m E,
(168) 5,485,764 m N and 202,795 m E,
(169) 5,484,306 m N and 204,135 m E,
(170) 5,483,958 m N and 204,016 m E,
(171) 5,483,399 m N and 204,098 m E,
(172) 5,483,063 m N and 204,359 m E,
(173) 5,482,636 m N and 204,127 m E,
(174) 5,482,429 m N and 203,843 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along a straight line to the starting point.
Area: 424.4 km2
The following was withdrawn from the second perimeter:
In the northwestern part of the said perimeter, the roadbed of the road linking the south of Lac Wilcox to the east of Étang Fortin, on a 20-metre wide right-of-way.
Third perimeter
Starting from Point 175 located at the meeting point of the northern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road with the western limit of a second forest road and whose approximate coordinates are 5,472,684 m N and 197,897 m E;
Thence, in a general northerly direction, along the western limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(176) 5,474,460 m N and 197,604 m E;
Thence, westerly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(177) 5,474,461 m N and 197,193 m E;
Thence, in general northwesterly, southwesterly, northwesterly, southwesterly then northwesterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southeastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(178) 5,476,435 m N and 405,641 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, in general southwesterly then southeasterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the southeastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(179) 5,470,511 m N and 407,563 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, northeasterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to include it, to Point 180, whose coordinates are 5,470,545 m N and 407,639 m E (Zone 5);
Thence, in general southeasterly then northeasterly directions, along a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
(181) 5,468,929 m N and 409,816 m E (Zone 5),
(182) 5,467,481 m N and 411,261 m E (Zone 5),
(183) 5,468,352 m N and 412,535 m E (Zone 5),
(184) 5,470,103 m N and 413,201 m E (Zone 5),
(185) 5,470,689 m N and 413,570 m E (Zone 5),
the latter point is located on the right bank of an intermittent brook;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along the bank of the said intermittent brook, so as to exclude it, to Point 186, whose coordinates are 5,472,593 m N and 197,153 m E;
Thence, easterly, along a straight line to Point 187, located on the western limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose coordinates are 5,472,473 m N and 197,691 m E;
Thence, in general northerly then northeasterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to the starting point.
Area: 60.8 km2
Fourth perimeter
Starting from Point 188 located on the ordinary low-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier) and whose coordinates are 5,504,065 m N and 212,735 m E;
Thence, in general southwesterly then westerly directions, along a broken line located approximately 500 m northwest of Rivière Observation, whose apex coordinates are:
(189) 5,503,748 m N and 212,312 m E,
(190) 5,503,204 m N and 211,975 m E,
(191) 5,503,210 m N and 211,754 m E,
(192) 5,502,873 m N and 211,291 m E,
(193) 5,501,870 m N and 210,863 m E,
(194) 5,501,055 m N and 210,750 m E,
(195) 5,500,726 m N and 210,528 m E,
(196) 5,500,496 m N and 210,125 m E,
(197) 5,499,342 m N and 209,389 m E,
(198) 5,498,744 m N and 209,297 m E,
(199) 5,498,882 m N and 208,881 m E,
(200) 5,499,009 m N and 207,748 m E,
(201) 5,498,908 m N and 206,031 m E,
(202) 5,498,745 m N and 205,811 m E,
(203) 5,498,695 m N and 205,513 m E,
(204) 5,498,744 m N and 205,296 m E,
the latter point is located on the southeastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road;
Thence, southwesterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northeastern limit of the right-of-way of Route Henri-Menier (commonly called Transanticostienne);
Thence, in general southeasterly, easterly then southeasterly directions, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said route, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(205) 5,497,370 m N and 209,266 m E;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road and its northeasterly extension, so as to exclude it, to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road and whose approximate coordinates are:
(206) 5,498,512 m N and 210,525 m E;
Thence, easterly, along the limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 207, whose coordinates are 5,498,487 m N and 210,621 m E;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along a broken line, located approximately 500 m southeast of Rivière Observation, whose apex coordinates are:
(208) 5,498,738 m N and 210,660 m E,
(209) 5,499,088 m N and 210,450 m E,
(210) 5,499,749 m N and 210,924 m E,
(211) 5,499,852 m N and 211,207 m E,
(212) 5,500,615 m N and 211,736 m E,
(213) 5,501,403 m N and 211,828 m E,
(214) 5,501,849 m N and 211,946 m E,
(215) 5,502,091 m N and 212,213 m E,
(216) 5,502,049 m N and 212,479 m E,
(217) 5,502,132 m N and 212,729 m E,
(218) 5,502,541 m N and 213,023 m E,
(219) 5,502,928 m N and 213,037 m E,
(220) 5,503,257 m N and 213,349 m E,
the latter point is located on the ordinary low-tide mark of the Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Détroit de Jacques-Cartier);
Thence, northwesterly, along the said low-tide mark to the starting point.
Area: 11.4 km2
Fifth perimeter
Starting from Point 221, located at the meeting point of the northeastern limit of the right-of-way of a forest road with the southeastern limit of the right-of-way of a second forest road and whose approximate coordinates are 5,503,486 m N and 200,660 m E;
Thence, in general northwesterly then southwesterly directions, along the southeastern limit of the right-of-way of the said road, so as to exclude it, to Point 222, whose coordinates are 5,503,454 m N and 200,306 m E;
Thence, in general northwesterly, southerly, easterly then northeasterly directions, along a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
(223) 5,504,048 m N and 199,134 m E,
(224) 5,503,107 m N and 198,900 m E,
(225) 5,501,899 m N and 199,128 m E,
(226) 5,501,827 m N and 199,307 m E,
(227) 5,501,948 m N and 200,244 m E,
(228) 5,502,916 m N and 201,534 m E,
the latter point is located on the left bank of an intermittent brook;
Thence, northwesterly, along the bank of the said intermittent brook, so as to exclude it, to the right bank of a river, the point whose approximate coordinates are:
(229) 5,503,424 m N and 201,187 m E;
Thence, southwesterly, along the bank of the said river, so as to exclude it, to Point 230, whose coordinates are 5,503,303 m N and 201,043 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along a straight line to the starting point.
Area: 3.5 km2
The above-mentioned coordinates are given in metres and were graphically plotted in the digital files of the Base de données topographiques du Québec (BDTQ) to the scale of 1:20,000 produced by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec to which the network of forest roads plotted by the Secteur Forêts of the same department was added, in reference to the Système de coordonnées planes du Québec (SCOPQ), Modified Transverse Mercator projection, Zones 4 and 5, NAD 83.
The measures in this technical description are given in the International System of Units (SI).
The whole as shown on a map to the scale of 1:60,000 bearing number P-35-1, a copy of which in reduced format to the scale of 1:200,000 bearing number P-35-2 is attached hereto for information purposes.
By reason of cartographic requirements, those plans were entirely made in Zone 4 of the Modified Transverse Mercator projection (MTM).
The original documents are kept at the Direction de l’expertise professionnelle et technique of the Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec.
Prepared at Québec, on 13 November 2000, under number 35 of my minutes.
Land surveyor
Cartographic folios: 12E06-200-0102, 12E06-200-0202,12E07-200-0101, 12E07-200-0102,12E07-200-0201, 12E07-200-0202, 12E09-200-0101, 12E10-200-0101, 12E10-200-0102, 12E10-200-0201, 12E10-200-0202
O.C. 320-2001, Sch.
O.C. 320-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 1897
S.Q. 2001, c. 63, s. 13